Tyler Young recently became Branch President of Plentywood. Prior to this, Tyler was a Loan Officer at the Scobey Branch and has been overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Plentywood Loan Production/Deposit Production Office. Young attended Montana State University-Billings, earning a degree in Business Administration with Options in Management and Marketing. After graduating in 2011, he started his banking career. Tyler has held positions as a loan assistant, credit analyst, loan officer and now branch president. Tyler joined Independence Bank in December of 2020 as a loan officer and was the key component in the opening of the Plentywood branch. Tyler and his wife Kenda are proud parents of three boys. In his spare time, Tyler enjoys the outdoors and hunting, playing golf and basketball, and spending time with his family. Young is an active member of the Plentywood community, serving as a Nemont Director, City Treasurer for the City of Plentywood and a volunteer member of the local chapter of Walleyes Unlimited.